P3p romances. Anyway I don't like romance in Persona since the 2 why most of it is based in the director weird fetishes and opinions on relationships, at least in P1 you don't focus on the subtle crush of the female characters and P2 treated character as humans and not only fuck dollsEven if the character models aren't great, they sure as hell aren't ugly. P3p romances

 Anyway I don't like romance in Persona since the 2 why most of it is based in the director weird fetishes and opinions on relationships, at least in P1 you don't focus on the subtle crush of the female characters and P2 treated character as humans and not only fuck dollsEven if the character models aren't great, they sure as hell aren't uglyP3p romances  Say ‘sure’ and go out to

Board Topics. One that's the same as the one the male protagonist has (Elizabeth) and one that's exclusive to her route (Theodore) You can date the boys. -edited wed 10. This RPG blend of high school and gothic apocalypse welcomes you with. Ryuji is the most crucial character in Persona 3 and part final boss. The further into Persona 3 Portable you get the more likely it is for people to go missing. ago. P3P released in 2009 and introduced the female protagonist to the Persona world. Astral. "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable. -During the rank 4 event, he'll say, "Oh, no, it was just a rumor I heard. P3P Is Male Protag Romance Optional? I'm a huge Persona fan, my favorite of the games being Persona 3, partially because it's the first one i played back in 2009 when my father bought me a ps2 with a bunch of random games from a friend after my xbox 360 was stolen, partially because i think it has the best story, music, atmosphere, and. This worried me but I hadn't made any clearly. 5/6. You do not have to romance him, just get him to rank ten. While Portable has plenty of improvements and quality-of-life changes, it would up leaving behind a few elements of older P3 versions. Spent the day with Temperance Arcana. the ken romance route is the monkey-paw's punishment from P3P getting a female protag, removing the transphobia from the beach scene, and getting social links with all your party members. Also some social links will not progress unless you romance them. Here is our Lovers Social Link guide for Yukari Takeba in Persona 3 Portable. The only penalty is that girls will reverse faster if you spend time with another girl besides them. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable. 31, right after the Fool is maxed out. Even if some things can. 3. This guide may contain spoilers, so do be careful. ago. The same can be said for Japan that its not seen as acceptable in some communities, I too. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable. More. Reviews. This guide may contain spoilers, so do be. They occur during the rank 4 and 6 events and you have to get both of them correct. This is a list of characters in the Persona 3 series, including Persona 3 FES and Persona 3 Portable. News. ago. Aigis (romanized as Aegis in Japanese) is a character from Persona 3. in particular) Persona 4. Kuuko 5 years ago #2. For the female. looking at if from a macro stand point yes you can say that in the US its not seen as ok in some communities, I know that from experience as well. . All Female Confidants who are girlfriends in Persona 3 FES Timestamps:Intro: 00:00Yuko Start: 03:02 Conclusion: 31:57Chihiro Start: 34:35 Conclusion: 01:07:1. You have to romance them yes. Boards. In the original Persona 3, the protagonist would need to have a maxed-out Courage skill to initiate Fuuka’s route; thankfully, in Persona. It can be fused at Level 88. Though it certainly feels like an aging portable game, P3P. The best romance in Persona isn't who you think. Since it seems rather unknown, you can indeed romance Elizabeth as female MC in Persona 3 Portable if you choose ". Finish the game and then comeback. Reversed Social Links? sasukegregar88 12 years ago #1. Rank 9: When he asks you about these feelings he's having, tell him it's love. Q: What do you call water without much calcium and magnesium? A: Soft water. . But every month we have. A Persona 3 mod that was popular in the RPG’s PSP days is back, and it lets you remove the Ken romance option for the female protagonist (thanks, RPG Site). Felt so much more natural and Mitsuru like when you're playing as the Female. Persona 3 Portable is an updated release of the original Persona 3 and Persona 3 FES. P3P has better gameplay and the FeMC has better social link in my opinion but there no cutscenes. The two have slightly different dialogue options - but we list both for every rank of this S-Link guide. All romances are automatic and you cannot choose whether or not to romance. Para tener un romance con Ryoji: «Okay». For the female protagonist, most romance s. He is the youngest member of SEES, and one of the two who doesn't attend Gekkoukan High School until he attends its middle school branch in Persona 4 Arena. This is a very minor difference. The game was developed by Atlus for the PlayStation 2. Question about Persona 3 Portable Female Social Links. 5. Board Messages. Also, it seems that the option wasn't well-received in Japan since Atlus completely removed and blew off the option in the following games (take a look at the original P3 where you are almost forced to make your harem, but can't even. Persona 3, released outside Japan as Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3, is a 2006 role-playing video game developed by Atlus. So outside of getting started and keeping your grades up, you should not forget that maybe love could be in. Conversation 1: I want to talk…. The Emperor Arcana guy too, but since he's so forgettable. We don't have paywalls or sell mods - we never will. Top Voted Answer. Maxing out the Persona 3 Yukari Social Link is the only way to start a romance with Yukari and unlock the ultimate Lovers Persona, Cybele--if you’re playing the male route. Without them, we wouldn't exist. 2. Addition of another Velvet Room attendant. The protagonist can start Shinjiro's Social Link on September 7th. If not, the file is too big and won't work. Aegis: The First Mission: Protagonist Persona 3. . Mods & Resources by the Persona 3 Portable (PSP) (P3P PSP) Modding Community. Persona 3 Portable adds a new layer to its predecessor’s story and gameplay: a second protagonist joins the fray, and with her, an expanded selection of. Is Persona 3 (Portable) the same? Yes, there are two types. Like she's changed the entire game in a drastic way. The only wat to avoid it would be to not max their social links. Ads keep us online. Website: @Naughty_GamingFacebook: @nawghtyg. Feared by his peers for his enormous size and brutish appearance, Rinko's the only one who uncovers the giant's kindness and sensitivity. Why would Atlus let you romance Ken? Navyblack14 11 years ago #1. Say ‘sure’ and go out to. . She is a faculty member of Gekkoukan High School, and teaches Composition. Akihiko is a bit tricky to romance because his lover flags are relatively early in his S. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. With Shinjiro's link you have to spend every single night that he's available to max his link. The protagonist can start Yukari's Social Link as early as July 24th after the trip to Yakushima. For reaching Lvl 10 and completing this Social Link you gain access to the Helel Persona. Persona 3 Guía en español para versión americana por Lina Inverse (Sephy. Keep scrolling for more. With Shinjiro's link you have to spend every single night that he's available to max his link. Meanwhile, Persona 3 Portable removed 3D exploration and the epilogue but added a female protagonist option with all new Social Links. Here is our Justice Social Link Guide for Ken Amada in Persona 3 Portable. The closest we get for female romance is Elizabeth, but not by much. You. When playing as the male protagonist, Yukari's Social Link won't begin until after your trip to Yakushima, on 7/25. It is just neat to see that being addressed in a Persona game outside of P2's "shadows hate you if you romance another man" thing. Ken needs maxed courage before you can start his I believe. The way I've some people talk about her makes her sound like she's comparable to the P5 Royal content or the P4. We list out the P3P romance candidates in our guide. One of the founding members of SEES and a pivotal member of it, Mitsuru Kirijo is all business in Persona 3 Portable. 5/15. mystery, romance, p3p. Shinjiro Aragaki – P3P Female Protagonist Romance Guide Arcana: The Moon Unlike Akihiko’s route, Shinjiro’s is much easier to do correctly — his Social Link will advance automatically until you reach. Mods & Resources by the Persona 3 Portable (PC) (P3P PC) Modding Community. Oct. He is the younger brother of Elizabeth and Margaret, and the older brother of Lavenza. Social Links have been changed, including romance options. Players are able to take Elizabeth on dates in both games, however, in Persona 3 Portable, a female protagonist option was added. He has a major arc later in the game that does a lot to improve his character. Persona 3, localized in the West as Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3, is the fourth game in the Persona series. Though she won’t join the combat party until a little ways into the game, her support is. It's very easy to miss, sadly =/. The female. I would say that I do get a lot of enjoyment out of deciding who is “best girl” and taking the MC through that relationship decision. Ken isn't mature in the slightest sense of the word. 4 0. With it there were a number of changes and one of them was that as well as the Male protagonist there was also a. May classroom answers. Just, yeesh, Atlus. and additionally is a romance option. The guide includes the dialogue options, his available days, and more. If you decide to pick a female protagonist in Persona 3 Portable, the romance options you have are different. p3 makoto can only romance in P3 vanilla, Fes and P3P. Even amidst world-ending supernatural events, the protagonist of Persona 3 Portable has the time to pursue romance. Even amidst world-ending supernatural events, the protagonist of Persona 3 Portable has the time to pursue romance. Is There Romance in Persona 3 Portable? Both versions of the Protagonist in Persona 3 Portable will be able to romance a wide cast of characters , from team members to NPCs. For the male protagonist, romance is automatic with female characters (except for the 8 year old girl) and impossible with male characters. p5: the girls beat you up, and no ryuji the chocolate your mother got you doesn't count. The guide includes the dialogue options, his available days, and more. She is an Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon (seemingly the last one in existence) and a member of S. Aigis gives the protagonist a Charred Screw when the Social Link is maxed, which. Romances automatically begin at a certain rank because thanks to some unpolished ideas for how Social Links and relationships would work due to it being the first time they tried. Georgina Young. . BY Luca Fisher ON January 19, 2023. Here is our Magician Social Link Guide for Kenji Tomochika in Persona 3 Portable. I dont remember any other ones. The lack of social links is a shame because while P3 had a bunch of forgettable ones they did. Author: Georgina Young. 60 day reverse social link timer in Persona 3 Portable. The way this social link guide works is simple - it lists all 10 ranks of the Persona 3 Portable Yukari Social Link in as spoiler-free a fashion as possible, listing all of the choices that have a. Like with. The game allows the player to choose the gender of the protagonist, which possibly opens up new routes and. Yes, he will get better, but it's very sudden imo. Here is our Star Social Link Guide for Akihiko Sanada in Persona 3 Portable. The Simple No Ken Romance mod does. Open UMDGen, then open your ISO, and extract umd0. Link. Walkthrough/guide (Spanish) By LinaInverse (biogenesis) Updated: Jun 28, 2022 10:58 pm. Ads keep us online. 11. Theyre specific choices, should be available on the guides/google. For any girl you have reached the "romance level" with (differs for each of the five romantic links!), the following rules apply: 1: If you do not spend time with them within the next 60 days, the link will Reverse (this is a special status; it doesn't actually go down, but actions must be. Not sure whet. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable. But people act like she completely redefined Persona 3. Jan 19, 2023, 11:30 AM 'Persona 3 Portable' romance: Each option for the male and female protagonist odore Ah, young love. Member. Ken and Shinjiro are in the first floor of the dorm at night after they join. In the end, I Romanced both (In Shinji's case, to save him. Nintendo Switch PC PlayStation 4 Xbox Series X Xbox One. It. In Persona 4 Golden, she is accompanied by Marie. links require you to choose the correct responses to have. DISCLAIMER: © NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. ThisIsFakeButGoOff • 2 yr. The protagonist can start Aigis' Social Link on January 8th. . In P3P's female protagonist route, there are still no negative gameplay effects, and the romances are not mandatory, so there are no negatives at all (unless you count the ability to romance Ken, which is weird, but still not mandatory, so not worth worrying about, typically). Ken needs maxed courage before you can start his I believe. The remaster could bring those mechanics back to. Ken will join the team in Persona 3 Portable late in your journey, but is one of the strongest members you can recruit. Posted: Feb 9, 2009 9:23 am. Special Tartarus dialogue that occurs when you equip butler outfits on male teammates and maid outfits on female teammates and talk to them in Tartarus. For the female version you can date Akihiko, Shinjiro, Ken, and Ryoji, If you need any help with the female social links you can go to maps and charts and you will see that ZelosRaine has a complete breakdown of the male and female version. If you play as the female protagonist you can start a social link with him, and despite being 11 years old, he is also a romance option. who also attends Gekkoukan High School. Male SEES members now have. Read 1 (The Dark Hour) from the story Persona 3 Portable by nurmeno with 2,658 reads. This guide may contain spoilers, so do be careful. For actual romance, I like Yukari the best, as her social link does offer some great character development, but if you need function then go for Yuko, as the Strength arcana's ultimate Persona is arguably the best physical attacker in the game. All romance scenes for Shinjiro female mc route in Persona 3 Portable. I didn't play the male route on P3P, but as far as I know, the female route. It starts near the end of the game, and it leads to a romance plot automatically. However, the female character doesn't have the dating options the male protagonist does (Alexander, 2010). " (This is the one people tend to miss. For those as the female MC, you’ll be able to start Ken’s social link from 9/1, September 1st. About the Headcanon thing, in every romance party member Ending, Aigis is at the rooftop first, but the other character arrives just in time to say goodbye to the Protagonist as well. Prior to Persona 3 Portable, the male hero is the only protagonist who can hold multiple weapon types like axes and so on. As the final social link of the game, the ability to hang out with Aigis unlocks late. Persona 3 also has the most that changes between different versions, since Persona 3 Portable introduced the option of having a female protagonist (which I desperately wish they would include in later releases) with her own set of romance options while Persona 3 FES added an extra epilogue to cap off the story. They will reverse, however, if you do something stupid in the relationship, like trying to kiss Chihiro before she's ready. This guide may contain spoilers, so do be. p3p femc: you bang everyone and get rewarded for it. Every girl has a counter of 60 days between visits before they go reversed, however, this changes. While you can’t romance Junpei even when playing as the female protagonist, the story helps you learn. here's Persona 3 Portable for psp with the following mods applied: - P3F Model Port Project (all possible 3D models ported form P3FES) - P3F Tartarus Camera (Tartarus camera has main character in center of. Log in to add games to your lists. Well it can be the Ken Zone, or not if you are fucked up in the head and condone pedophilia.